Outgoing Home


Outgoing is the newest and likely coolest project from LeDonne Studio. Seriously.

Here’s a little Q & A.


What is it?

Outgoing is an art subscription. It ships via USPS, so it’s sort of a mail club. A subscription to Outgoing guarantees you'll get cool, funny, and thoughtful shipments from my studio every-other month.

What’s in it?

Each edition of Outgoing contains some assortment of prints, self-published books of drawings and writing, stickers, magnets, and other design-forward items. Outgoing is artful and accessible, conceptual and cute.


Why tho?

I love making art and designing things. I also happen to enjoy sharing those things with people. Studies have shown that literally everyone likes receiving mail, and I’m willing to step up and do my part to fulfill that need. Tbh though, I think it will give people who are new to buying art a nice entry point.

What if I already own some of your artwork?

First of all—thank you. The frequency of Outgoing ensures each edition is thematic, relevant, and unique. Outgoing works like a multi-piece mini exhibit—and it gets delivered to your door. This little project offers a lot. It goes without saying, consistent support can really help stabilize an artist’s career, so if you’ve ever wanted to be involved with my practice, this is a really practical and fun way.


What’s this gonna’ run me?

It’s easy because there’s only two options.

  1. Standard Subscription is $10/month. ($115/yr) One shipment for every 2 payments.

  2. Deluxe Subscription is $20/month. ($220/yr) Same shipment schedule, but at the end of the year you’ll pick out a wall work from my inventory. Like a payment plan with cool treats along the way.

Outgoing is an ongoing project. (See what I did there.) You can sign up at any time and you’ll receive the next scheduled shipment when it ships.

Wanna go for a ride?
— That cool line in 'Zero' by The Smashing Pumpkins/ also Me, asking you if you'll be part of this project.
key chain.png

Why sign up now?

The pilot edition of Outgoing aka # zero—was one of the biggest little projects I ever worked on. And now, the offical Issue # 1 is about to drop. Love is Golden refocuses love away from strictly romantic, Valentine’s Day sort of ideals and back to all the ways Love manifests in our lives, funny, deep, sad, etc.

Sounds a little in depth for a subscription box?—it is. This edition is going to be deluxe. You can sign on a monthly basis on my Patreon by clicking here or pre-pay for a year in my online shop.

Bonus Question: Can I Gift This?

Yes, this would be a cool thing to buy an art lover, person who likes quirky things, or just likes getting mail.

Yes, you can enter the recipient’s name and address as the shipping info. I can also forward a message from you with their first issue.


Thanks for considering Outgoing.

Feel free to contact me with any questions. Have a good one!

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