What a change a year makes


It's hard to believe the Rolling Coal exhibition was a year ago. It was a split show with Derek Reese, and it focused on our relationship with Masculinity. At the time, I thought about how vast and pervasive its toxic influence was but at the time I saw it as separate issue from racism. I've come to see how interconnected so different forms of oppression are in what Bell Hooks calls our imperialist, white-supremacist, capitalist patriarchy. I've seen a lot of artists continuing to highlight anti-racist and social justice work on their feeds, and I'm impressed by their commitment. A lot of people are going to 'get back to their normal lives' as time goes on, but I think it's especially important for artists to continue using their platforms and for all of us people who hold white/male/straight privilege to continue looking making and keeping commitments to change.

Seth LeDonne